Kerala lottery result 'Akshaya AK-465': The Kerala State Lottery Department announced results of the 'Akshaya AK-465' at 3.00 pm on September 30. Those who tried their luck can check the result at
The first prize winner of the Kerala state lottery 'Akshaya AK-465' ticket number AL-846510 takes a home whooping Rs 70 lakh. The second prize winners ticket number is AK-284932 and it gets Rs 5 lakh.
The third prize winners ticket numbers are AA-708644, AB-103264, AC-449887, AD-534589, AE-108029, AF-731835, AG-750398, AH-817927, AJ-377953, AK-372790, AL-815414, AM-273721 gets Rs 1 lakh.
The winner of the consolation prize gets Rs 8,000 and ticket numbers are AA 846510, AB 846510, AC 846510, AD 846510, AE 846510, AF 846510, AG 846510, AH 846510, AJ 846510, AK 846510, AM 846510.
The fourth prize winners gets Rs 5000 and ticket numbers are 2774, 9156, 0040, 2384, 8064, 0596, 0216, 2075, 3489, 2306, 2872, 7997, 0912, 4181, 4701, 5787, 7171, 1115.
The fifth prize winners gets Rs 2,000 and ticket numbers are 7105, 7523, 5058, 4371, 3121, 4771, 7290.
The sixth prize winners gets Rs 1000 and ticket numbers are 4574, 9140, 0363, 3305, 7173, 6266, 1007, 1866, 3137, 9961, 5608, 3256, 6467, 7587, 0601, 0796, 2442, 1301, 2302, 3411, 3511, 2666, 7910, 8204, 0258, 9935.
The seventh prize winners gets Rs 500 and ticket numbers are 9403, 5084, 2715, 1846, 7488, 5188, 3977, 0806, 5828, 0467, 9851, 7266, 7357, 1473, 7369, 5179, 0427, 0453, 4517, 1337, 2105, 4238, 7741, 0998, 6976, 5862, 2789, 0158, 3213, 5503, 2281, 7960, 2830, 6403, 8837, 7314, 1276, 6960, 4264, 1478, 7467, 6561, 5995, 4920, 2546, 1374, 8463, 1873, 9120, 8901, 3136, 4099, 9169, 2734, 2360, 1752, 1729, 5887, 5809, 9217, 9429, 1999, 6106, 3323.
The eighth prize winners gets Rs 100 and ticket numbers are 6401, 5871, 2164, 0786, 6398, 2485, 4520, 9927, 3898, 0299, 4918, 5553, 6497, 9583, 9383, 6469, 4825, 2108, 8937, 4545, 3826, 1193, 8680, 1265, 9549, 3286, 2355, 4205 ,5550, 0394, 4784, 8187, 1000, 7550, 3198, 7902, 6474, 7859, 7200, 8979, 4799, 2524, 8217, 7472, 2517, 3450, 3069, 7137, 6378, 8816, 6135, 8962, 3037, 0937, 0141, 2208, 9791, 9161, 1280, 8589, 4530, 9531, 5556, 4500, 3461, 3838, 4467, 5867, 5105, 3545, 3821, 6890, 9995, 6587, 2287, 0019, 7111, 6526, 5888, 6566, 4401, 4089, 8934, 6312, 4981, 3100, 2143, 0467, 7308, 8280, 6179, 8611, 4103, 9038, 5136, 0493, 6434, 7579, 5196, 0119, 0031, 3163, 1107, 9546, 9300, 7884, 9507, 1079, 6346, 1184, 4102, 1294 6738, 0761, 4576, 8409, 3292, 8231, 0067, 0257, 5426.
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