
Vacancy for Graphics Designer


Proven graphic designing experience
A strong portfolio of illustrations or other graphics
Familiarity with design software and technologies (such as InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Photoshop)
A keen eye for aesthetics and details
Excellent communication skills
Ability to work methodically and meet deadlines
Degree in Design, Fine Arts or related field is a plus

contact 0506942677

Sslc result ‌ available on following website

Sslc  result ‌ available on following website
Please check tomorrow  11 am 
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*เดซเดฒം เด•ാเดค്เดคിเดฐിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดŽเดฒ്เดฒാเดตเดฐിเดฒേเด•്เด•ും เดŽเดค്เดคിเด•്เด•ുเด•....*


Job opportunity for the auto electrician

We are a growing automotive company based in Muscat the capital of Oman that offers its employees range of experience and skill in both technical and managerial sections.
The Company: EXP is a company that provide range of automotive services and we ensure to deliver high end quality services to our clients. We do provide our services at our integrated workshop and in addition to that we also do provide mobile services (Home services). We deal with individual clients and, we do provide fleet management.
The Position: We’re looking for experienced Automotive Technician who is experienced in European cars.
The pay range we’re offering is 300-500 OMR

Requirements & Responsibilities:
- Identify mechanical and electrical problems, often by using computerized diagnostic equipment
- Perform basic care and maintenance including changing oil, giving tune ups and checking all fluid levels using the correct tools specified for European cars
- Familiar with most of tools and equipment used to maintain and repair European cars
- Following factory protocols and procedures in both maintaining and repairing cars
- Familiar with All Data system
- Provide accurate estimates (cost, time, effort) for a repair or maintenance job
- Maintain equipment and tools in good condition
- Willingness to observe all safety precautions for protections against accidents, dangerous fluids, chemicals etc.
- German, Italian and British cars for not less than 4 years
- Automotive Technician for not less than 8 years overall
Muscat , Oman

Rashid AL-Sabqi (Managing Director)

Nurse Vacancy

เดชൊเดจ്เดจാเดจി เดธ്เดค്เดฐീเด•เดณുเดŸെเดฏും เด•ുเดŸ്เดŸിเด•เดณുเดŸെเดฏും เด†เดถുเดชเดค്เดฐിเดฏിเตฝ เดฒเดฌ് เดŸെเด•്‌เดจീเดท്เดฏเตป, เดœൂเดจിเดฏเตผ เดชเดฌ്เดฒിเด•് เดนെเตฝเดค്เดค് เดจเดด്‌เดธ് เดคเดธ്เดคിเด•เด•เดณിเตฝ เดคാเตฝเด•ാเดฒിเด• เดจിเดฏเดฎเดจം เดจเดŸเดค്เดคുเดจ്เดจു. เด‰เดฆ്เดฏോเด—ാเตผเดฅിเด•เตพ เดต്เดฏเด•്เดคി เดตിเดตเดฐเด™്เด™เตพ, เดตിเดฆ്เดฏാเดญ്เดฏാเดธเดฏോเด—്เดฏเดค, เดช്เดฐเดตൃเดค്เดคിเดชเดฐിเดšเดฏം, เดชാเดธ്‌เดชോเตผเดŸ്เดŸ് เดธൈเดธ് เดซോเดŸ്เดŸോ เดŽเดจ്เดจിเดต เดตെเดณ്เดณเดชേเดช്เดชเดฑിเตฝ 

Database Administrator Vacancy

The Treasury Department appoints a database administrator on contract terms. Candidates with BTech or M.Tech qualification in Computer Science or MCA or MSc in IT should apply by July 5th. Applicants under the age of 40 can apply. The wages are Rs 85,000. Must have three or more years of work experience.

Biodata and Application Copy of the birth, education, qualification and work record along with a copy of the Directorate of Treasury, Krishna Building, Thycaud PO 695014, Thiruvananthapuram. You can also email career.treasury@kerala.gov.in.

Nurses are recruited to the leading hospital in Oman through Odepec.

Nurses are recruited to the leading hospital in Oman through Odepec. Candidates with less than three years of work experience should send biodata to recruit@odepc.in within 30 days. Visit www.odepc.kerala.gov.in for details. Phone: 0471-2329440 / 41/42/43.


Cafeteria เดฒേเด•്เด•് เด’เดฐു เด•ുเด•്เด•ിเดจെ เด†เดตเดถ്เดฏเดฎുเดฃ്เดŸ്

Cafeteria เดฒേเด•്เด•് เด’เดฐു เด•ുเด•്เด•ിเดจെ เดตേเดฃം
050 5811792

Appointment of Medical Officer at ESI Dispensaries

The Allopathic section of the ESI Dispensaries in Pathanamthitta and Kollam districts is conducting temporary appointments on contract basis to fill vacancies of Medical Officers. Eligibility for MBBS Degree and TCMC Registration.
56395 per month. Those interested should submit a completed registration form to e-mail rddsz.ims@kerala.gov.in within 30 months. More information on biodata model and more information can be found at www.ims.kerala.gov.in Phone: 0474 2742341.

Nurse appointment in UAE

BSc Nurses are recruited to the leading hospital in the UAE through the Government of Kerala, Odepek. Candidates who have passed HAAD / DOH / DHA / MOH with less than three years of work experience should send Biodata to gcc@odepc.in within 30 days. For detailed information visit www.odepc.kerala.gov.in Phone: 0471-2329440 / 41/42/43.

Neyyattinkara Government appoints one year contract for bus driver cum security posts at Government Polytechnic College.

Neyyattinkara Government appoints one year contract for bus driver cum security posts at Government Polytechnic College.

Must have knowledge of Heavy Driving License and Writing and Writing in Malayalam. Must have ten years (heavy driving) work experience. Age range between 45 and 60 years. Priority for liberated soldiers.
Interested candidates are required to submit original documents of eligibility certificates along with copies of the interview to be held at 10.30am on June 29th. For more details visit www.gptcnta.ac.in Phone: 0471-2222935, Email: gptcnta@gmail.com.


เด‡.เดŽเดธ്.เด เดกിเดธ്‌เดชെเดจ്‍เดธเดฑിเด•เดณിเดฒ്‍ เดฎെเดกിเด•്เด•เดฒ്‍ เด“เดซീเดธเดฐ്‍ เดจിเดฏเดฎเดจം

เด’เดฎാเดจിเตฝ เดจเดด്‌เดธ് เดจിเดฏเดฎเดจം

เดฏു.เดŽ.เด‡เดฏിเตฝ เดจเดด്‌เดธ് เดจിเดฏเดฎเดจം

เด•േเดฐเดณ เดธเตผเด•്เด•ാเตผ เดธ്เดฅാเดชเดจเดฎാเดฏ เด’เดกെเดชെเด•്เด•് เดฎുเด–േเดจ เดฏു.เดŽ.เด‡เดฏിเดฒെ เดช്เดฐเดฎുเด– เด†เดถുเดชเดค്เดฐിเดฏിเดฒേเด•്เด•് เดฌി.เดŽเดธ്‌เดธി เดจเดด്‌เดธുเดฎാเดฐെ เดคെเดฐเดž്เดžെเดŸുเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจു. เดฎൂเดจ്เดจ് เดตเตผเดทเดค്เดคിเตฝ เด•ുเดฑเดฏാเดค്เดค เดช്เดฐเดตൃเดค്เดคിเดชเดฐിเดšเดฏเดฎുเดณ്เดณ  HAAD/DOH/DHA/MOH   เดชാเดธ്เดธാเดฏ เด‰เดฆ്เดฏോเด—ാเตผเดฅിเด•เตพ เดฌเดฏോเดกാเดฑ്เดฑ  gcc@odepc.in เดŽเดจ്เดจ เดฎെเดฏിเดฒിเดฒേเด•്เด•് 30เดจเด•ം เด…เดฏเดฏ്เด•്เด•เดฃം. เดตിเดถเดฆ เดตിเดตเดฐเด™്เด™เตพเด•്เด•്  www.odepc.kerala.gov.in   เดธเดจ്เดฆเตผเดถിเด•്เด•ുเด•. เดซോเตบ: 0471-2329440/41/42/43.

เด•േเดฐเดณ เด‡เตปเดธ്เดฑ്เดฑിเดฑ്เดฑ്เดฏൂเดŸ്เดŸ് เด“เดซ് เดฒോเด•്เด•เตฝ เด…เดก്เดฎിเดจിเดธ്เดŸ്เดฐേเดทเตป(เด•ിเดฒ) เด•ിเดซ്เดฌി เดงเดจเดธเดนാเดฏเดค്เดคോเดŸെ เดจเดŸเดช്เดชാเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดช്เดฐോเดœเด•്เดŸിเดฒേเด•്เด•് เดคാเดฒ്เด•ാเดฒിเด• เดจിเดฏเดฎเดจം เดจเดŸเดค്เดคുเดจ്เดจു.

เด•േเดฐเดณ เด‡เตปเดธ്เดฑ്เดฑിเดฑ്เดฑ്เดฏൂเดŸ്เดŸ് เด“เดซ് เดฒോเด•്เด•เตฝ เด…เดก്เดฎിเดจിเดธ്เดŸ്เดฐേเดทเตป(เด•ിเดฒ) เด•ിเดซ്เดฌി เดงเดจเดธเดนാเดฏเดค്เดคോเดŸെ เดจเดŸเดช്เดชാเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดช്เดฐോเดœเด•്เดŸിเดฒേเด•്เด•് เดคാเดฒ്เด•ാเดฒിเด• เดจിเดฏเดฎเดจം เดจเดŸเดค്เดคുเดจ്เดจു. เดช്เดฐോเดœเด•്เดŸ് เดŽเตปเดœിเดจിเดฏเตผ-เดธിเดตിเตฝ เดคเดธ്เดคിเด•เดฏിเตฝ เดฎൂเดจ്เดจും เดช്เดฐോเดœเด•്เดŸ് เดŽเตปเดœിเดจിเดฏเตผ-เด.เดŸി.เดคเดธ്เดคിเด•เดฏിเตฝ เด’เดฐൊเดดിเดตുเดฎാเดฃുเดณ്เดณเดค്. เด…เดชേเด•്เดท เดฒเดญിเด•്เด•േเดฃ്เดŸ เด…เดตเดธാเดจ เดคിเดฏเดคി เดœൂเดฒൈ เดชเดค്เดค്. เดตിเดถเดฆเดตിเดตเดฐเด™്เด™เตพเด•്เด•് www.kila.ac.in/careers.

vacancy for telecaller


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  1st Prize Rs :10000000/-  1) FV 313346 (NEYYATTINKARA) Cons Prize-Rs :8000/-  FN 313346  FO 313346  FP 313346  FR 313346  FS 313346  FT 31...